FDA Committee Finds NSAID Study Unreliable

An advisory committee of the FDA has concluded that data from a meta-analysis study, which suggested that naproxen carries a lower cardiovascular risk than other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), is not reliable.

Furthermore, the advisory committee reviewed the 2005 FDA labeling rules that require NSAID pain medication to carry a heart warning. The panel voted (16-9) against allowing naproxen to change its label, saying the available data didn’t support the conclusion that naproxen was safer for the heart.

Protecting Hearts and Heads in the NSAID Era
High-Dose NSAIDs Increase Risk of Cardiovascular Events

The FDA does not have to follow the recommendations of the advisory committee, but generally does so.

The panel also addressed a secondary question on the labels of NSAIDS. Currently, the NSAID labels imply the risk of heart issues is not substantial when the drugs are taken for a short amount of time. The panel voted 14-11 that the labeling language should be reconsidered in light of new studies.

The Take-Home Message: Physicians need to be aware of all pain medications that their patients may be taking and account for the drugs from the start of therapy.


1. Briefing document for US Food and Drug Administration Advisory Committee meeting. 2014 Jan 10. Available at: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/AdvisoryCommittees/CommitteesMeetingMaterials/Drugs/ArthritisAdvisoryCommittee/UCM383181.pdf. Accessed Feb 12, 2014.