bariatric surgery

Diabetes May Be Resolved With Bypass Procedure

One anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) is effective for the resolution of diabetes, according to a recent retrospective analysis.

Diabetes and other obesity-related diseases are a global pandemic, and medical treatment alone is currently inadequate to ensure sustainable weight loss and resolution of comorbidities. However, bariatric surgery is known to provide long-term weight loss and nearly immediate resolution of diabetes and comorbidities.

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For their analysis, the researchers evaluated 407 patients who had undergone OAGB between March 2015 and March 2016 at a metropolitan university hospital. Of these patients, 254 were female. Mean age was 41.8 years, and mean body mass index (BMI) was 41.7 kg/m2 at baseline. A total of 102 patients had diabetes with an average glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) of 8.64%. In addition, 93 patients had hypertension, 123 had hyperlipidemia, and 35 had obstructive sleep apnea.

Information on patient demographics, comorbidities, and first-year outcomes, as well as operative and postoperative data, were recorded and assessed.

Follow-up data was available for more than 85% of the study’s general population after 1 year. Of 102 patients with diabetes, only 8 still had diabetes and took anti-diabetic medication at follow-up. The average post-surgery HbA1c was 5.4%.

Average hospital length of stay was 2.2 days, and average excess weight loss was 88.9 lbs at 1 year post-surgery.

“OAGB may be performed safely, with promising efficacy, as both a primary and a revisional bariatric surgery and it offers excellent resolution of diabetes,” the researchers concluded.

—Christina Vogt


Abu-Abeid A, Lessing Y, Pencovich N, Dayan D, Klausner JM, Abu-Abeid S. Diabetes resolution after one anastomosis gastric bypass [Published online November 3, 2017]. Surg Obes Rel Dis.