
Coffee Consumption May Prevent Colon Cancer Recurrence

A new study finds that regularly drinking caffeinated coffee help prevent the return of colon cancer post-treatment, as well as improving the chance of a cure.

A team of researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute studied 953 patients, all of whom were treated with surgery and chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer. Patients filled out a dietary pattern questionnaire in the early stages of the study and during chemotherapy, and did so again approximately 1 year later. Participants who consumed 4 or more cups of coffee on a daily basis saw the greatest benefits, with the authors finding patients in this group to be 42% less likely to see their cancer return in comparison to non-coffee drinkers. In addition, these patients were 33% less likely to die from cancer or any other cause. Those drinking 2-to-3 cups of daily coffee reaped a more modest benefit, according to the authors, who note that little protection was associated with 1 cup or less.

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According to the investigators, the results revealed that the lower risk of death or colon cancer returning was attributed solely to caffeine as opposed to other components of coffee, but add that the reason for caffeine’s effect in this study is unclear, and additional research is needed.

According to the authors, they found that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of the cancer coming back, and a significantly greater survival and chance of a cure. While reluctant to offer suggestions to patients until further studies confirm these findings, they advise that coffee drinkers who are being treated for colon cancer not stop drinking coffee. Those who aren’t coffee drinks and considering whether to start, however, should first consult their physician, the researchers concluded.

—Mark McGraw


Guercio B, Sato K, et al. Coffee Intake, Recurrence, and Mortality in Stage III Colon Cancer: Results from CALGB 89803 (Alliance). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2015.