alcohol abuse

Chronic Conditions and Depression Increase Risk of Problem Drinking

A recent study found that older adults with multiple chronic health conditions (MCCs) and depression were 5 times more likely to experience problem drinking than older adults with MCCs or no MCCs. Their findings were the first to consider the intersection between multiple, rather than a single, chronic condition and depression in relation to alcohol use in older adults.

The study included 1643 participants between 57 and 85 years old who identified as active alcohol consumers and were a part of the first wave of the National Social Life, Health and Ageing Project from 2005-2006. Researchers assessed current MCCs of participants, responses to the 4 CAGE screening questions, defining problem drinking as 2 or more affirmative answers, symptoms associated with depression, and other social and health measures.
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Their results showed that 66% of participants with MCCs experienced problem drinking, but they were just as likely to be defined as problem drinkers as participants with no MCCs.

In addition, 28% of participants with MCCs reported symptoms of depression. Researchers found participants with MCCs and depression were 5 times more likely to experience problem drinking than participants with MCCs but no depression.

“Implementing screening and assessment in medical care settings for problem drinking and improving self-management interventions to include consequences of alcohol use components are critical avenues for reducing healthcare expenditures and improving quality of life of individuals with MCC,” the researchers concluded.

—Melissa Weiss


Mowbray O, Washington T, Purser G, and O’Shields J. Problem drinking and depression in older adults with multiple chronic health conditions [published online October 17, 2016]. Journal of American Geriatrics Society. doi:10.1111/jgs.14479.