Cardiometabolic risk

Cardiometabolic News: USPSTF Weight Loss Recommendations, and More

Think you may have missed any breaking cardiometabolic news? Here, we have compiled our breakdown of top stories thus far for 2018.


High cholesterol is significantly undertreated in the United States.

Less than half of individuals with familial hypercholesterolemia receive appropriate treatment, according to new findings. Read More


The United States Preventive Services Task Force has issued new weight loss intervention recommendations.

The agency’s draft statement updates recommendations that were first published in 2012. Read More


Guidelines for blood pressure response during exercise need to be updated, researchers say.

The guidelines were last updated in 1996. Read More


In a study that challenged the “obesity paradox,” researchers found that weight gain raises cardiovascular disease risk in middle-aged men and women.

The study included 296,535 European adults who were free of cardiovascular disease at baseline. Read More


A high coffee intake could raise metabolic syndrome risk in some patients.

Although high coffee consumption can offer various health benefits in the general population, it could potentially cause harm in some patients with diabetes. Read More