bariatric surgery

Add-On Meds Stop Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery

Adjuvant weight loss medications effectively stop weight regain in patients who receive bariatric surgery, according to a recent study.

Some patients who undergo bariatric surgery do not achieve optimal weight loss or experience weight regain following the procedure.

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For their study, the researchers assessed the efficacy of adjuvant weight loss medications in 209 patients who received bariatric surgery. Patients were prescribed phentermine (n = 156), phentermine/topiramate extended release (n = 25), lorcaserin (n = 18), or naltrexone slow release/bupropion slow release (n = 10).

Results of the study showed that 37% of participants had lost at least 5% of their total weight 1 year after weight loss medications were first prescribed.

The researchers noted that there had been significant differences in weight loss at 1 year in gastric banding (4.6%) vs sleeve gastrectomy (0.3%) patients and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (2.8%) vs sleeve gastrectomy (0.3%) patients.

They also observed a significant positive correlation between body mass index upon the initiation of weight loss medications and total weight loss at 1 year.

“Adjuvant weight loss medications halted weight regain in patients who underwent bariatric surgery,” the researchers concluded. “Given the low risk of medications compared with revisional surgery, it can be a reasonable option in the appropriate patients. Further studies are necessary to determine the optimal medication and timing of adjuvant pharmacotherapy after bariatric surgery.”

—Christina Vogt


Hanipah ZN, Nasr EC, Bucak E, et al. Efficacy of adjuvant weight loss medication after bariatric surgery. Surg Obes Rel Dis. 2018;14(1):93-98.