
68% of Adults Not Up-To-Date on Vaccinations

A recent survey conducted by Ipsos MORI and sponsored by GSK Vaccines found that 68% of adults are not up-to-date with their vaccinations.

The Vaccinate for Life Survey included 6002 adults from Brazil, Germany, 6 cities in India, Italy, and the United States. Participants completed an online survey between July 6, 2017 and September 14, 2017.
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Key findings from the survey showed a lack of awareness around adult vaccinations, with 60% of participants reporting they had not received any public health information. Fifteen percent of adults reported they believed that vaccinations were only recommended for children and 21% reported they believed vaccinations were only needed for traveling. Approximately 3 out of 10 adults reported not receiving any relevant vaccine within the past 5 years. The majority of participants reported that they had not received any recommendations from a health care provider about vaccination.

In addition, 26% of adults reported they did not consider adult vaccination important and 53% of adults reported that they were more likely to prioritize other health services over vaccination.

"Vaccination throughout life can help protect and contribute to the wellbeing of individuals families and communities," stated Dr Thomas Breuer, Chief Medical Officer at GSK Vaccines. "What the Vaccinate for Life survey shows us is that adults need more information on the vaccines relevant to them to help them be more proactive in discussing their vaccination needs with their healthcare professional.”

—Melissa Weiss


New Survey Finds More Than Two Thirds of Adults May be Missing Out on Vaccinations [press release]. London, UK: GSK Vaccines; November 7, 2017.