
Potential for Earlier Diagnosis in Patients With PsA

A prodromal symptom phase in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) may exist, and be determined by nonspecific musculoskeletal symptoms, according to a recent study.

The researchers cautioned that further studies are required to determine the validity of this potential earlier-diagnosis window for PsA.

“Information about the prediagnosis period in psoriatic arthritis PsA is limited,” the authors reported. “We conducted a population-based, matched cohort study using electronic medical records and administrative data in Ontario, Canada. Age- and sex-matched cohorts of PsA patients and comparators from the same family physicians were assembled. Comparators were not allowed to have prior spondyloarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or rheumatoid arthritis billing code diagnoses.”

Research included 462 patients with PsA, and 2310 matched comparators. The study also compared health care utilization, costs, and outcomes associated with musculoskeletal issues during a 5-year period prior to the index date, which were determined to be higher for patients with PsA vs comparators.

“The odds ratio (OR) related to visiting a primary care physician for nonspecific musculoskeletal issues in patients with PsA was 2.14 (95% confidence interval 1.73–2.64) in the year immediately preceding the index date and was similarly elevated up to 5 years prior. The OR related to using other musculoskeletal-related health care services, including musculoskeletal specialists visits, joint injections, joint imaging, and emergency department visits, was higher in PsA as early as 5 years preceding the index date,” the authors concluded.


—Angelique Platas




Eder L, Tu K, Rosen CF, Alhusayen R, et al. Health care utilization for musculoskeletal issues during the prediagnosis period in psoriatic arthritis: a population-based study. Arthritis Care Res 2021; 73(5):680-686

Doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/acr.24146