COPD Symptoms Are More Severe Among Women

Though women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) report smoking less than men, they often experience worse breathing impairments, more acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD), and lower quality of life (QoL) than men, according to new research presented at the American Thoracic Society’s 2019 International Conference.

Results of the study were presented by lead researcher MeiLan Han, MD, from the University of Michigan on Wednesday, May 22.

Dr Han and colleagues are part of the SPIROMICS (Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD study) research group, which investigates a prospective cohort study designed to identify novel COPD subgroups and intermediate markers of disease progression.

The study cohort consists of nearly 50% women and collects data on COPD morbidity measures and hormonal exposure history.

To conduct this most recent analysis, Dr Han and colleagues examined baseline data from 1832 participants with a smoking history of more than 20 pack-years and COPD. COPD was defined by a post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in one second/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) ratio of less than 0.70.

Of the 1832 participants in SPIROMICS, 781 were women.

Age, smoking status, race, and FEV1 percentage predicted were similar among women and men. Women, however, reported fewer smoking pack-years than men.

In adjusted analyses, female gender was independently associated with greater respiratory-specific QoL impairment, greater general QoL impairment, and reduced 6-minute walk distances, the researchers noted.

Women also had higher odds of hypoxemia with 6-minute walk time, being symptomatic, experiencing frequent AECOPD, and experiencing severe AECOPD in the prior year. 

“At enrollment into SPIROMICS, women with COPD exhibited reduced respiratory-specific QoL and general QoL, were more likely to be symptomatic, and at greater odds of frequent and severe AECOPD,” the researchers concluded.

“Our preliminary results, representative of the data available at the time of analysis, add to existing literature by quantifying the extent of COPD morbidity among women and inform our next steps to characterize the role of hormonal factors.”

—Amanda Balbi



Lambert A, Dieter B, Barjaktarevic I, et al; SPIROMICS Investigators. Women with COPD experience increased symptom burden, frequent and severe exacerbation, and impaired functional capacity as compared to men in SPIROMICS. Paper presented at: ATS International Conference; May 17-22, 2019; Dallas, TX.!/5789/presentation/25836.