
Transcript: Angela Golden, DNP, on How to Start the Conversation on Obesity

Angela Golden:  Hi, I'm Dr. Angie Golden, and I own NP Obesity Treatment Clinic in Flagstaff, Arizona. I hope you really enjoyed my presentation on talking with patients who have obesity, how to start that conversation. I hope it impacted you to hear their voices and their thoughts as they come into your office.

These are pretty classic patients that you got to hear. I think hearing what your patients are thinking can really make you stop and realize how you can make a difference in your approach to partner in treating the chronic disease of obesity.

There are some key takeaway points from the session. America needs all providers to start treating this disease and its complications. But you need to be really sure that your practice is a safe harbor. So many patients with obesity have been in very shamed places even in our healthcare environment. So they're often afraid to talk about it. They're afraid to have to approach it themselves, but they need for you to approach them with it.

Begin the conversation, and please assure that follow‑ups are occurring. Let patients know that you want to be there to help them. Please understand that all of those of us with the disease of obesity have faced a tremendous amount of bias. Be kind.

Above all else, if I could have you do anything, it would be start the next day that you're back in your practice. I know that you thought of patients in your practice with obesity that you haven't had the conversation with. Please start that conversation as soon as you get back to your practice. Thank you very much.