
Dementia Is Associated With Higher Rate of Headaches, Movement Disorders

Individuals with dementia have a higher rate of headaches, weakness and numbing, seizures, Parkinson disease, and other vascular and movement disorders than those who do not have dementia, according to a new study.


“[These findings imply] that physicians may increase the recognition of dementia by screening patients who present with such problems,” the researchers wrote.


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The study, authored by Dr Catherine Striley and colleagues, was presented at the American Public Health Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo on Sunday, November 11.


To reach their conclusions, the researchers analyzed data on 4167 participants aged 50 years or older who were recruited by HealthStreet, a community engagement arm of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute at the University of Florida. Of those 4167 participants, 105 self-reported to have dementia of a level that still allowed them to participate in a health needs assessment without a caregiver.


Compared with those who said they did not have dementia, participants who reported having dementia had a significantly higher rate of:

  • Headaches (33.5% vs 51.4% ),
  • Weakness and numbing (17.5% vs 54.2%),
  • Restless leg syndrome (7.8% vs 22.1%),
  • Seizures (3.9% vs 14.3%),
  • Serious head injuries (5.8% vs 23.1%),
  • Transient ischemic attacks (4.4% vs. 21.4%), and
  • Parkinson disease (0.5% vs 2.9%).


“The comorbidity of other neurological diseases with dementia is relevant for identification of dementia,” the researchers wrote. “People with both general and specific neurological symptoms could be screened for dementia on a routine basis, thus increasing recognition and treatment.”


—Colleen Murphy



Striley C, Milani S, Cottler L. General and specific neurological symptoms among community members who self-report dementia. Poster presented at: APHA’s 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo; November 10-14, 2018; San Diego, CA. Accessed November 13, 2018.