
Adolescent HPV Vaccination Rates Improve With 3-Step Intervention

Adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates and parental satisfaction may improve with a 3-step intervention that includes communication-based training, assessment and feedback (T3 intervention), and behavioral nudges, according to the results of a recent study presented at IDWeek 2020.

The researchers conducted their study at 4 Midwestern pediatric practices. Each practice was randomly assigned to either an assessment and feedback intervention or the T3 intervention. In all, 16 health care providers and 230 parents of adolescents who were eligible for the HPV vaccine completed surveys.

The surveys included questions about vaccination policies, and data collected from parents included their child’s vaccine history and their satisfaction with the consultation. The vaccination rates for tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap), meningococcal, and HPV at the practice level were measured from billing data queries.

Overall, 72% of adolescent participants received an HPV vaccine during the study period, while 61% of adolescents had previously received a part of the HPV vaccine series.

The results indicated that 97% of parents were satisfied by the vaccine consultation.  All 4 of the practices saw increased adolescent vaccination rates, despite which strategy they were randomly assigned.

The vaccination rates of the 3 vaccines ranged from 0.8% to 3.4% for meningococcal and from 1.3% to 12.1% for Tdap. The HPV vaccination rate was increased at 3 of the 4 practices included, with no significant statistical difference between the study arms.

“Practices in both intervention groups evidenced an increase in adolescent vaccination rates. While some parents had concern about HPV vaccine safety and necessity, parents welcomed discussions about HPV vaccine and were satisfied with their provider’s communication regardless of their vaccine decisions,” the researchers wrote.


—Leigh Precopio



Bradley-Ewing A, Goggin K, Meredith G, et al. The impact of behavioral nudges, communication training and assessment and feedback on adolescent vaccination rates and parent satisfaction. Talk presented at: IDWeek 2020; October 21-25, 2020; Virtual.