bariatric surgery

ASMBS Releases Policy Statement on Bariatric Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) has released a new statement on the performing of metabolic and bariatric surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The statement declares that metabolic and bariatric surgery “is medically necessary and the best treatment for those with the life-threatening and life-limiting disease of severe obesity,” and should therefore not fall under the definition of “elective” surgery.

“Metabolic and bariatric surgery should be restarted when it is safe to do so. The ASMBS disagrees with the concept that bariatric surgery should be postponed until the pandemic is declared over,” they wrote.

The statement also addresses the evidence surrounding obesity and obesity-related diseases as independent risk factors for worse outcomes among patients with COVID-19, and suggests that risks and benefits for specific patients, especially those in certain higher risk subsets, should be considered carefully before determining whether metabolic and bariatric surgery should be postponed. Factors including COVID-19 prevalence; testing, treatment, and protective equipment availability; and strategies for the protection of clinicians and patients should also be considered.

“Before COVID-19 began, it was clear that patients with obesity were ‘safer through surgery.’ In the era of COVID-19, ‘safer through surgery’ for patients with obesity may prove to be even more important than before,” they concluded. 

—Michael Potts


Safer through surgery: American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery statement regarding metabolic and bariatric surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Published June 5, 2020. Accessed June 26, 2020. Surg Obes Relat Dis. Doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2020.06.003