Peer Reviewed


LAP-RFA Is a Promising Alternative Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation (LAP-RFA) could provide Black women with a uterine-sparing alternative treatment for uterine fibroids (UFs), according to a recent study.

“The disease and treatment burden of UFs in Black women is substantially greater compared with other racial groups, with higher rates of complications and poorer outcomes with both hysterectomy and myomectomy,” the researchers explained.

To explore the potential of LAP-RFA as a minimally invasive treatment option for this population, the researchers conducted a subgroup analysis of participants from the LAP-RFA Pivotal Trial, including 28 White women and 46 Black women.

At baseline, Black women had more UFs than White women (7.3 vs 3.7, respectively), greater symptom severity score, and lower health-related quality of live score. However, 36 months after LAP-RFA, differences in symptom severity score and health-related quality of live were no longer present.

“Despite a higher baseline burden of disease, LAP-RFA was equally or more effective for Black women when compared with White women, resulting in equalizing patient-reported quality of life indices by 36 months post-procedure. These results are consistent with the clinical outcomes observed by the authors and are promising in providing an alternative uterine-sparing option for Black women.”

—Michael Potts


Berman JM, Bradley L, Hawkins SM, Levy B. Uterine fibroids in black women: a race-stratified subgroup analysis of treatment outcomes after laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation. J Women’s Health. Published online July 20, 2021.