AAP Releases 2019-2020 Flu Vaccine Recommendations
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended both the injectable influenza vaccine and the nasal spray for the 2019-2020 influenza season.
Following a review of the latest data on the inactivated vaccine (IIV) and the quadrivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV4), the AAP chose to approve both options. This decision differs from last year’s recommendations that favored the injected vaccine over the nasal spray.
Q&A: The Return of the Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine
Nasal Flu Vaccine Underperforms Compared With IIV
“All children six months and older should receive the flu vaccine, in whatever form their pediatrician recommends,” said Bonnie Maldonado, MD, FAAP, chair of the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases, in a press release. “Every year, we are never sure if the vaccine strains are going to be perfectly matched up with incoming flu strains, but based on the information that we have now, we believe the nasal spray is an acceptable option.”
—Michael Potts
AAP updates vaccine recommendations for 2019-2020 flu season [press release]. March 14, 2019. https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/AAP-Updates-Vaccine-Recommendations-for-2019-2020-Flu-Season.aspx.