tips and tricks

Practical Pointers: Discover Shortcuts Devised by Colleagues (August 2006)


Key Question for Chronic Pain Sufferers

Patients with chronic pain syndromes (such as chronic abdominal pain, chronic back pain, or chronic headaches) can present a real challenge. Often they have had exhaustive workups by specialists to no avail. A simple tactic that I often find productive is to ask such patients whether they have a history of traumatic abuse (sexual abuse or serious emotional or physical abuse). An affirmative answer may suggest somatoform disorder, stemming from the abuse.

— Hien Nguyen, MD
    Fairfax, Va

Easy Gait Exam

To reduce the time needed for a gait examination and endear yourself to your elderly patients at the same time, greet patients in the waiting area and accompany them to the examination room. This allows you to evaluate their ability to rise up from a chair and to evaluate their gait—and patients will appreciate your hospitality and display of caring.

— Rachel P. Espiritu, MD
    Akron, Ohio

Cream by Day, Ointment by Night

Ointments are an effective vehicle for topical treatment of such chronic dermatologic conditions as eczema and psoriasis; however, patients often complain that they are greasy and stain clothing. I find that prescribing an ointment for nighttime application and a cream for use during the day results in better compliance.

— Benjamin Barankin, MD