The Clinic is Designed to be a "Cool" Place
Average daytime temperatures in Nicaragua on the Pacific side are in the low 30's C. So, hot!
The clinic is designed with a variety of "cooling" features.
The orientation of the clinic is such that the morning sun comes in through windows in the pharmacy and one of the examination rooms and the afternoon sun settles more to the front of the clinic. The veranda serves as a waiting area and is shaded with a corrugated roof that is about three meters deep.
The windows are smaller and shuttered to minimize sun but allow a breeze-way. The wind has been blustery and fierce, so with the windows open, within an hour so, there is a fine layer of red earth dust on all the surfaces.
There are tiny "port holes" about a foot above the floor to allow cooler air to enter the clinic and fenestrated bricks at ceiling level to allow the hot air to leave.
There are ceiling fans in every room, but until the electricity is operational, these traditional tropical chilling devices only offer the illusion of coolness.
Notwithstanding all the above, the clinic was very hot on the first day, and I was a puddle from the first hour. The few times I stepped outside the wind felt great as my perspiration started to evaporate. Glad I wore a loose shirt.
Originally published on Helping Children in Nicaragua and Haiti.